i forgot i never really gave akari (oc) a unique outfit. 😅

0 3

Re/seconds: In search of a new life!-
Character Design Yuuka Sugihara (Re:seconds): profile 1
キャラクターデザイン 菅原優佳 (Re/seconds):プロフィール1

2 7

Re/seconds: In search of a new life!-
Character Design Mihiru Nakano (Re/seconds): Profile 1
キャラクターデザイン 心日琉中野 (Re/seconds): プロフィール1

2 15

Re/seconds: In search of a new life!-
Character Design Shouko Hanamori (Re/seconds): profile 1
キャラクターデザイン 花森 晶子(Re/seconds):プロフィール1

1 5

I deleted my latest drawing Yan'yu, i feel like i didn't do her any justice. Here a small piece of it that i liked🙇🙇🙇


1 2

Well the boys sometimes can get a little steamed up and needed some time alone~ sometimes Connor become so needy he stops giving a damn~💦

1 3