!! Repost from 2021 !!

Hoshira wearing her dress during the event back in March 2021. I...wished I was more active trying to show Hoshira off...

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Some discord doodles. Marcus sends to be having some trouble with Kiora. Yes the big beastie is still Kiora. 💗

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Everytime silby calls him granpa, shadz always has that 'do i look that old?' thought even though he looks like hes 25-26 perpetually.

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Kerren found something that showed him something that coulda been. He hopes that other him is happy with what he himself couldn't get.

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look at this cutie👌
Edit: I changed his age back to 27
I decided I like it like that

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Imogen and Kerberus having a lovely time with an akul cub they're raising together.

Zed and Chompsky performing maintenance on Zed's cybernetic limbs.

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My Caleb and ' Estelle in their FF14 gear :>

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Figured I might as well start drawing some of my Star Wars kids as grown-ups, so have Fae all grown and geared up to rebel!

This Kel Dor gal has certainly taken after her adoptive parents's taste in apparel.
A fashion statement is always a good bet!

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i don't remember if i posted charlie here so probably not. charlie (oc), design adopted from pelmandna

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Grandmama Lumah, the Shistavanen matriarch of the Terruss family.
Sheelah, Lumah's more adventurous daughter. She's a components merchant (ranging from ship materials, to droid parts, and even blaster mods).
Gustav (aka Tavy), Sheelah's mischievous son.

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Three of my clone trooper ocs.
Bully and Jawbreaker, a duo of arc troopers who were unfortunate enough to briefly have Krell as a general.
And Pox, a shiny who’s entire squadron was wiped out by a mysterious virus that he’s still infected with.

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Caboose and Fae, two foundlings with a brighter future ahead of them.

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Mae Eppa, droids specialist and engineer for the Wolfpack.
Julius (J0-L1) a prototype astromech that speaks primarily in slang and holonet speech.
Mambo (K-1MB), a repurposed Security Droid who's now the team medic and the only responsible adult.

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