In a dark metropolis built on a dying mollusc, a cowardly tentacle trimmer dreams about dung beetles and aquatic cowboys.

😰Make stressful choices
🌇Follow the daily schedules of the seedy inhabitants
💬Learn and spread scandalous rumors

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From a concept, to pixels

My inspiration came fast due the fact that months earlier I watched a beetle's documentary. I was wondering why are they making dung balls and I coulnd't live without knowing it.

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We also have companies that compete in the videogame industry in Octopus City.

The two bigger companies, Ratkings (TurboShark consoles) & Ghost in a Bottle (Centipede consoles), have their own mascots as well.

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You can fight him in style, style, or style... How? If you want to know, join in the biggest tentacle' simulation.

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want to print some shirts for fun soon. design idea hidden in that mess.

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One of my favorite images. Kaf & LadyLibra.

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