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they usually only have a slight change of color, except for Odibatorasu and Teostra, the first one having close to no changes, and Teostra having more flames around its body.
If we're talking updates beyond Season 10 for Monster Hunter Frontier, here are my candidates for #Sunbreak.
1. Taikun Zamuza
2. Odibatorasu
3. Baruragaru (Barlagual)
4. Disufiroa
@_WanderingMan gurenzeburu and pokaradon i've always adored the designs of since i first saw them. ghc abio ended up being an unexpected favorite, and toridcless is just cool as hell with one of my favorite gear sets. gureadomosu, odibatorasu, toa tesukatora, and rukodiora are also huge faves
While I was thinking about Odibatorasu today, I thought about these three again:
1. Poborubarumu
2. Keoaruboru (Rather than being a flying wyvern, it is an elder dragon)
3. Bogabadorumu
The sucked-up sand is stored inside of its body and solidifies, becoming rock-like clumps of hardened sand. Several holes can be found on Odibatorasu's back, and it uses them to get rid of any excess sand within its body. It can also raise part of its shell to release more sand.
Odibatorasu is about as massive as Akantor and Ukanlos, but scholars often argue about which of these three are larger. Interestingly, all three are considered to be gods.
1. Akantor - the Black God
2. Ukanlos - the White God
3. Odibatorasu - the Sand God
The Unknown (Black Flying Wyvern) and Odibatorasu were the first two Supremacy Species in Frontier. The third one that came after them was Supremacy Pariapuria. This old Pariapuria is covered in the blood of its prey and different from its other two counterparts.
While Akantor is called the Black God and Ukanlos is called the White God, Odibatorasu is considered to be the Sand God. It is a Flying Wyvern like them but lacks wings despite being in the class, and scholars often argue about which of these three are larger.
@monya_sk8 #もなの1日1モンスター ☆その34【剛砲!弩岩竜 #オディバトラス】 #モンハン #MonsterHunter #MHF #Odibatorasu