I swore I knew another example of this but all I came up with was Okamiden. Love them tho

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Another Okami related piece I did but more so for myself to tie in with Abby, only this time it puts Eevee into Chibiterasu's position from Okamiden. This one was alot of fun to do and I kinda lost myself in the art as I went along :)

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I played this game and I was absolutely surprised as to how good this game was. Okami sequel when? I'm still kinda waiting on the sequel after Okamiden. Amaterasu is an amazing goddess of the sun. :)

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Inktober 2020 day 23: RIP
There are many character deaths I could have done for this prompt but I finally decided on Kurow's. I have strong memories of balling my eyes out when I reached the end of Okamiden.

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Art by AmyChan, Fanatic Panda, Kira Okamiden.

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