Happy New Year, friends! Wishing you a happy and healthy 2021!
Original art by

6 58


102 277

What I'm hearing is that you were the onion and she deep-fried your ass so you would open up and become an Awesome Blossom.

35 118

Without Felicity's lightness, the show would have mired in darkness and we would have had to deal with grumpy Oliver for far too long.

34 94

Arrow's over.
Is this the end I wanted? No, not even close. But it's better than I expected so it's okay.
It was a long journey, an 8year wild run, but all things have to end.
Long live Long live I will always keep you in my💚

6 30

“Oliver put our family back together.”

I’m just. 😭

49 157

Never doubt how much he trusts her!

3 5

They have saved the world with their love! Now its time to enjoy!

4 9

The first official Olicitykiss in black and white is even more hauntingly beautiful!

2 6

The way Felicity looks at Oliver with all the love in the world showing in her eyes! Perfection!

2 6

The most iconique Olicity scene involving Oliver taking off Felicitys glasses like they are the most valuable thing on this earth!

5 10

The most iconic Olicity scenes there is. Felicity calling Oliver a hero that he is.

8 17

Olicity protected their kinds no matter how big the obstacles. They did it out of love!

3 8

there was no choice to make
artist: ladystarsocks.tumblr

7 31