~ 🪔 ~
I adore simple pleasures. They are the last refuge of the complex.

🖊️~ Oscar Wilde

🎨 Marie Muravski
Ref: ArtPict20221201TB

73 111

~ 🌸 ~
The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.

🖊️~ Marcus Aurelius

🎨 Via
Ref: Fantasy20221103TB

93 122

~ 🍂 ~
Do not write off anything that has matured thru time as having lost it prime. Every stage in life is another kind of beautiful.

🖊️~ Pat Chan-Schatz

101 162

~ 🪔 ~
None knows the weight of another's burden.

🖊️~ George Herbert

🎨 Viaggio Magico
Ref: Fantasy20221005TB

99 155

~ 💗 ~
Love yourself for what you are,
but never forget to leave space
for your betterment.

🖊️~ Anjali

132 180

Rivers know this. There is no hurry. We shall get there some day.

🖊️~ Winnie The Pooh

Yeah, go with the flow. ~ Pat CS

123 172

That which is striking
and beautiful
is not always good,
but that which is good
is always beautiful.

📸 Via iSiMSiZ / Color Scapes
🖊️ Ninon de Lenclos
Ref: FlowersGT20220211TB

92 119

A thing of beauty is a joy forever.

📸 Pix by Sight Unseen
✍️ John Keats

82 123

Live the full life of the mind,
exhilarated by new ideas,
intoxicated by the romance
of the unusual.

📸 Via / 🎨Maneco Araujo
✍️ Ernest Hemingway

135 200