If You Don't Recognize This Bear And His Crab You Have No Proper Childhood.

Si No Reconoces A Este Oso Polar y A Su Cangrejo No Tuviste Infancia

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I just gotta say Happy Anniversary 9 years since the greatest party in Club Penguin history. So glad I was there to experience the roller coaster that was. From Herbert blocking the sun to Aunt Arctic being revealed as the Director. Thank you!

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began on November 14, 2012.

In Terminal 3, Herbert seemingly had a blueprint for the Time Trekker 3000.

It is unknown how he had this, as Gary didn't publicly reveal the Time Trekker until January 2013.

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Happy Anniversary to

I can't believe it's been 9 years since Operation Blackout started! I really enjoyed Operation Blackout it has met most of my expectations from the story, to the missions, to everything! This is where I had most of my memories on CP!

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We have good news!

G.I. JOE: Operation Blackout is available for PS4, Nintendo Switch, XBOX One and NOW FOR PC 🌟💪🔥


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Incoming! Even more screen shots from Operation Blackout, courtesy of John Smith! Here we see the art of Operation Blackout, Cobra Commander's throne, a H.I.S.S. II and more! Check it out -

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