in honor of going live on had to update the PFP to an absolute grail I’ve been holding! DMT FUR WITH A GOLD GRILL!?!? SHEEEEEESSSHHHHH

10 33

❤️❤️Fifty Shades of Punks❤️❤️
Showcasing the unique personality and attitude of each punk character.

0 5


25 40

Hey fam!
Did you ever know that Ordinals with orange background add +100% to your $BTC bag value?

Let's inscribe one of them

2 20

P5js generative art that showcases the intersection between coding and creativity.

0 0

Gm fam ☕️ Happy

Degen Krew Ordinals art updates are complete & mint is now unpaused, with ~60-70% cheaper inscription fees. LFG 🚀

5 8

15x (Free Mint) Giveaway 🎟

💥 Let F**king go

1⃣ Follow & DM
2⃣ Rt, Like & Tag 3 frens

👑Interact any TW and turn on 🛎️ to increase your chances! (24h)

305 305

10x Giveaway 🐒🎟

💀" Dont Cut your D " 🙏

1⃣Follow & DM for
2⃣Rt, Like & Tag 2 frens

👑Interact any TW and turn on 🛎️ to increase your chances! (24h)

1232 1475