Not sure if I would call it being proud, but it makes me happy that and my general are well liked in the Fandom. Especially the love for fuzzy Ed and Stede is kind of mind-blowing.

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We are waiting for Spring and Summer, so we can have fun and make dandelion crowns. I needed to draw something happier, after the gloomy Ed and the Dobhar-Chu drawing.

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Sometimes I have weird revelations like: Haven't shown Ed grooming Stede, and making sure the bleb, yet. I am that intellectual about my .

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My first finished commission. And it's an adorable Otter Cuddle Puddle! Featuring Ed, Stede and a reluctant Izzy, who figures out right now, to his horror: "Well, this feels nice..." In case you want a commission, just let me know.

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I started the picture somewhen around Christmas/New Year, but because of work and another round of COVID, just now I could colour it. A story time in the Otterverse with Stede, Ed and the crew. Even Izzy is sneaking around.

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Okay, it's already eight days into New Year. But in the end, it's not the number of the days that matter, but what You make of the days. As taught by pirate otters. Wish I had Stede's impeccable technique of hair styling...

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It started with just Stede in a mock panel (I may or may not whipping up some comics from the Otterverse). But then I thought that Ed is sorely missing. So, I added him :)

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