Day 27: step 3 Charity outfits
In which Cove is NOT used to seeing Hunter in formal clothes lmao

Inktober prompt by and

4 65

Day 28 of
Returning to step 1 since tomorrow is step 4. What cute tiny nerds 🥲
prompts by-

Our life-

3 64

Day 27 of
Fancy outfits for charity 😎. Wanted to keep this more simple but was having too much fun with the colors of the dress haha
prompts by-

Our life-

3 70

Day 26 of
Spooky season with online visit from mom number 3! Who are Cove and River dressed as I wonder🤔
prompts by-

Our life-

3 67

Day 22 and 23 of
Twofer post! These prompts made me realize how much small details each character have haha
prompts by-

Our Life-

4 62

Day 20 of

I'm so happy that this art is finally finished. Although I'm late because now it's past the 20th and I just sent it now🤧

Prompts by:
Cove by:
I hope you like it ♡´・ᴗ・`♡

8 186

Day 21 of
It's good to have our goofy sis back 😎
This so far is my fave piece i've done for this month ^^
prompts by-


3 54

Day 19: step 3 Cove
Outgoing, sporty, and a little cheeky from all his time spent with Hunter <3

Inktober prompt by and

2 45

Day 20 of
This is more personal since I'm actually graduating college in Dec! :D. Should've been for step 4 but I have something else planned haha.
prompts by-


4 63

Day 19 of
Cove has no right being attractive af, but I will forever be thankful for this huge dork🙏
prompts by-


4 89

Day 18 of
River got more invested into the arts, too bad she's messy as hell haha (decided no shading/lighting on this to change it up owo)
prompts by-

Our Life-

3 38

Day 16 and 17 of
Forgot to post! But family is my fave moment in step 2 and love this scene with Liz 😭. also I might have this anklet irl haha
prompts by-

Our Life-

3 71

Day 14 of
Everyone's favorite cousin, Lee!! Seriously been enjoying these prompts, its been a challenge but having fun overall ^^
prompts by-


4 72

Day 12 of
Step 2 Elizabeth is sassy teen and I love her for that. Also I want her shirt
prompts by-


4 61

Another day, another project using as an excuse to finally improve my painting. I may be 6 days behind, but I couldn't help myself in drawing the crab charm.

1 6

Day 7 of
Named my little shark friend Peppermint haha
prompts by-

Our Life Beginning and Always-

4 55