画質 高画質

Originally, the Elder Sign was used to repel Outer Gods such as Lynn, but She not only managed to corrupt it, but also requisitioned it to be Her very own symbol.

A wobbly star with six eyes, one in each of its limbs.

0 0

友人がOuter Wilds本編クリアしました!バンザーイ!

24 82

探検記をつけながらOuter Wildsを遊んでくれていた友人が、本編クリアしました…!
スマートな記録が徐々に熱を帯びていく様子をぜひご覧ください これからDLC編が始まります

0 25


5 37

Outer God Kaveh x Investigator Alhaitham
⚠️Copy the link and delete the emoji
⚠️Please read the content warning… https://t.co/DZIXXGFzdF

94 881

haloo para 🌌 artists yg juwalan di CF dan yg masih punya dagangan OTS, boleh tolong drop dagangan kalian di sini?🙏🏻 atau yg masih buka PO juga gapapa!

akan kukejar limited stock itu sampe ke outer world🥺

9 100

Dongtan Kronii
I gave her outerwear because of the cold💙#kronillust

518 4022

Outer Wildsでマシュマロ焼くちゃんさん

1 6

※Only AU (Sona) authors are allowed to use the images



Beryl Fidens

“Null” Boyfrisk

7 39

Scouter Lock Screen 152

22 239

•TIGR355-HT 👾🩵

First promo commish finished!
Feeling very proud of the posing and background, outer space kitty. ꒰◍ᐡᐤᐡ◍꒱

300 2533

-Without Scouter-

Scouter Lock Screen 088

32 306

22分後に滅びる宇宙を探索するゲームのプレイ漫画 その2 

28 107

Scouter Lock Screen 151

33 330


44 148

I found out I fucked up the couter again so a fix drop here. big couter are the hardest thing to draw☹

251 2844

Scouter Lock Screen 149

16 121

Scouter Lock Screen 148

35 237