I, for one, am a big fan of Kasimir’s new friend and animal mascot for the Hobby Horses, Coleridge.

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Barnaby with glasses is Gussie Fink-Nottle send tweet.

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Zillah’s preparing for a fight, but probably thinking about something else.

2 14

Getting ready for the return of by drawing Edvard getting ready.

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Precious bean bby Edvard enjoying his read of The Young Volisport Gentleman's Guide to Pneumatic Engineering (credit to on that one).

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Of the whole gang, Lilith and Barnaby are probably the two most likely to know how to dance and therefore, how to blend in with high society.

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Would you believe me if I said this is something that’s been in my head for a while but also was brought to fruition by the end of The Astor Gambit? Well you should because that’s how it is.

3 10

Ox in the Dark but everyone except Lilith is Shane Madej from the Goatman's Bridge episode of Buzzfeed Unsolved. What a sentence that is.

4 19

White Day (March 14) is the day in Japan when boys give girls gifts in reciprocation of Valentine's Day. Is it a manufactured holiday? Yes, don't care, had the inspiration to draw the OitD boys doing it, don't ask.

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