If I was in Persona 3, this would be my persona: Capricornia! Her arcana is hermit and her elements are ice and light! I'm really proud of this design! Enjoy!

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What I love the most in P3 general.

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I have no idea, I've never played Persona 3. 🥲 Without knowing much, I know that I love having the option to play as a female protagonist. If I played P3P I'm betting that these guys would be my favorite characters !!

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Femc, Aki and Shinji! They, along with this game, changed my life for the better☺️💕

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Makoto Makoto Makoto Makoto Makoto Makoto Makoto Makoto...oh and the story ofc

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What I love most about Persona 3 Portable is the cast.

I legit love these characters like a family and they'll always have my back. My favorite characters from my FAVORITE game of all time. SEES for life

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This game has been a big comfort for me, I appreciate and love every adaptation of it- from the games, movies, manga, and musical! 🥺🫶💙💙💙 Makoto Yuki with the rest of the cast and their story have a special place in my heart!! 😭💕

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the best thing in P3 (and Persona and everything in general but let’s stick to P3 here) is Chihiro Fushimi, and P3P gave the world a way to bring Chihiro’s smile on the go!

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the improved gameplay and the new music are both good contenders, but the Correct answer: her

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