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4 x PA Genesis given away yesterday courtesy of PACLotto.

4 x forever PA Genesis PFPs into the wallets of PAC holders yesterday via PACSwap.

One day at the office.

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PACLotto live on spaces 3pm EST.

Up for grabs (as shown below)

♣️ PA Genesis

♥️ PAC

♠️ PA Meta/IRL pass

♦️ Mystery Prize.

Yes we are doing this weekly…grab your PAC and strap in for the ride 🫵

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Wake up now if you're still sleeping on .

just won a (FP = 1.2 ETH) by just minting (MP = 0.07 ETH, FP = 0.1 ETH)

You too can be a winner. All you have to do is own a PAC 💯

Congratulations once again 🙌🎉

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Congrats to the winners of PACLotto

Huge night for us all.

Such an amazing feeling to put PA assets into PAC holders hands.

What an amazing bunch of prizes too!

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