Rarity: Grail
Quantity: 99

Born in a PC bang. Only games between the hours of 10PM - 5AM. Plays like they're on PEDs, but their performance is 100% grass fed organic.

Their blue-ish skin derives from the minimal light they receive from their computer screen.

55 499

Whereas others experimented with PEDs (performance enhancing devices), chest implants designed to boost cardiorespiratory performance and stamina to superhuman levels.

3 11

Does anyone know about hidden anti-piracy measures in Mafia 1?
I remember playing a weird version of the game where almost all peds were grannies. Also Tommy couldn't learn how to open new cars. Other than that, it was fully playable, because it came with saves.

17 379

NPC stands for "Nice Peds, Cutie-"

17 95

Everyone meet Jeffrey d. Loftus. He is mostly a fine individual but knows something you don't about yourself.
Psy-ops + PEDs = good fucking cluck.

6 27

students: before resecting p-fossa tumors on peds service, know all presentations, Ddx, differentiating these lesions on CT & MRI, surgical approaches, 4th ventricle anatomy, adjuvant treatments, genetic abnormalities, postop issues mutism/hydro/other, & prognosis.

48 169

Houston Astros:
-Used technology to steal signs
-Player suspended for PEDs
-Tried to hide having a saiyan on the team

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