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Today's study in LaD:
I learned to use background items to get a nice lighting effect on Glint Photobooth 🤗✨
OTOMOS! Hear me out! For any otomos who will be attending holofes, please do consider checking out THIS location 👇 for a group photo for our dearest automaton CECILIA IMMERGREEN 💚
Go or else your key will break 🥰🔪
See you when we see you!
VRフォトを中心に様々なオモロいことをするクラブが出来たと聞いて行った。表参道に常設だってよ常設!!ヤバいだろ!なんかラジオとかもやるらしいぞ!興味ある人はディスコード来て欲しいらしい。VR PHOTO PRINT CLUBのディスコードはこれ↓
#VRC漫画 #PR
@vagainai @gorybranches 1 i did not know this fuck had a name
2 why is THAT his name
3 he belongs exclusively in this photo of vash sitting on him like the world's cutest least innocent puppy, so i guess i would buy him if i could bury him in a sandbox and had the right vash to sit on his head.
I showed these photos to my sister cause she'd help me bake the cake.
Sis: Yeah, we can do that.
Me: NO, we've only baked one cake before and it burnt. What do you mean we can do this? 😭 https://t.co/IK2IqVIgmq
My homie got rejected as a photographer after bitch found out he was a guy... I was I was making this shit up