is said to come out at night to suck the blood of victims from their shadows,it walks backward w/ its head lowered between its hind legs,resembling a hornless goat & possess a pair of very large ears


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is a creature said to hail from smaller towns in Mindanao mainly from Cagayan,Sulu & have a human appearance,but resemble the characters of vampires,have wings & slanted eyes,they dig up graves to feast on the corpses.

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the supreme god of the Visayas equal to Bathala of d Tagalogs.His worship was centralized in Negros islands,is widespread all over the Visayan Islands.worshipped by Visayan warriors & their colonies,the mountain tribes & Ati.(1/2)

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aka were women/feminized men,traditional path was 2 b called by a mystical source/inherit d role from an elder babaylan,become full fledged babaylan;understands&embodies d multiple functions of priestess,healer,sage&seer

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are known 2 be tall, dark, & sometimes hairy beings that are benevolent/malevolent,some legends say they possess magical items,enchanted belt/mysterious stone,should any person gain possession of would grant them a wish

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name of d creature who has d ability 2 detached her lower & upper body in half,was derived from d Filipino word,"tanggal"which means"2 separate"detach her upper n lower body in half,she is said gain d ability 2 fly&she use it 2 hunt her prey..

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are Philippine Mythological creatures that r d equivalent of a being that has d torso of a woman & a tail of a fish.They are believed to have a beautiful face,long curly hair & an alluring voice which they use to lure humans & take them.

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