【PLAY! HOME🏡ぐりとぐら、どっちになりたい?】
PLAY! は緊急事態宣言が明けるまで休業中。


青いもの=ぐり色 赤いもの=ぐら色を身にまとって素敵に変身できたら、是非 でシェアしてください!

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What's in the

Lots of videos with our amazing authors and illustrators, fun free activities and resources to download, ideas, book set offers, and more! https://t.co/JvDBzBMT91

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Stella is determined to reel in the huge fish in her lake – but is it hers to catch? THE GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY by wonderful for discussing kindness, resilience and the animals that share our planet.

Top Tips + 50% off https://t.co/JvDBzBMT91

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" Outside the usual windows is always new and I am always amazed by it. “

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“ A praise dance to the taste of my home that overturns the established concept. “

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Free activities from "Funexpected" this Spring
Math games and tasks for children aged 3–7
Check out their desktop version😉

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Are you looking for some more activities to do at home? First, check out the video of Paige reading Ice in the Jungle from yesterday afternoon, and then use these activity sheets from to continue the fun! https://t.co/K1XHC8v6MG

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まだ試作中でどう展開するかも未定ですが、 ならこのポーズですよね。pixivにはこれのローアングルを置いています

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