画質 高画質


0 2

man I hope this manga continues doing stuff like this since it's fun to follow along with the song playing in the background

(she's singing Haikei Shounenyo btw and an another song added to my playlist lmao)

1 9

genres: Punk Metal, Nu Metal, Industrial Rock

https://t.co/Fa71Ekm6gA https://t.co/qCtYwpRJ2d

61 922

damn, this first few pages is actually quite emotional if you're following the lyrics of the actual song

I'm gonna add this song in my playlist now lmao

0 8

art! spill lagu/playlist yg biasa kalian dengerin waktu gambar

(pic sbg pmanis🌹🌹)

0 21

*hq warning spoiler, contains f/m pair yamayachi

hai, ini sender yg biasa bikin haikyuu playlist. aku pengin buat au yg singkat2 aja dari playlist2 ini, tapi gk sanggup kalo semua 😭 bisakah kalian bantu vote 5 playlist yg menurut kalian bagus dibuatin au-nya? (cont..)

21 337

the character ▪︎the dice ▪︎the playlist


15 270


suguru geto as a playlist. ada yang mau di-tag?

3 81

It's ready to add to your playlists! :>

109 1937

jjk! Warning spolier
iniya yg mau playlist nyaa,kalo ada yg mau nambahin boleh nnti ku kasi link undangan biar kalian bisa nambahin sendiri, nnti ku kasi playlist di rep yah soalnya gabisa krim link lain hhe

3 30

i forgot i put wilbur's "since i saw vienna" in my qsmp playlist so when it played while i was driving, it immediately made me think of tallulah and tears almost formed in my eyes aND MI HIJA WHERE IS SHE I MISS HER SO MUCH-

0 45

SAME but here are some recs if u already have these on ur playlist i am sorry

0 1

Orv! Tolong lirik playlist mamah dan papah kita juga 😞😞 soalnya sender suka sedih kalau keinget mereka. https://t.co/1yN9dDx0HS

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ORV! Jam segini enaknya dengerin playlistnya YooHanKim gak sih, hehe. (Buat artnya, sender udah dikasih izin sama pemiliknya buat dijadiin cover playlistnya ya!)

18 191

*hq warning spoiler

hai sender datang kembali dengan playlist para team! ada yang mau?

89 714

4 songs of my playlist with the letter "s"
As always ivoxygen 🤍 https://t.co/YQSuBgx43p

0 10

4 músicas da sua playlist !!

responda com um emoji e te dou uma letra!
me deram: K https://t.co/BrKQDZx1Lu

1 12

🐶🫐 made a cute dog boy design rq cuz of a cutecore playlist keo sent me >3<

14 162

Tehe! Bang bagi playlist-nya dong bang.. banyak lagu mcr sama bmth ga nih? Wihh emo banget bang..

0 24