G Evening
Solos Playmate Regina and Solos Playmate Quinly added to the collection. 3 to go!!! 7 are left for sale at the moment. You can buy them for 14 XRP on Sologenic NFT 🔥🚀

1 7


152話 帰らない、時の向こう側へ《Old Playmate》 - BREVE NEW WORLD ―蒼色症候群(ブルーライトシンドローム)― - カクヨム https://t.co/gvYDzfn74V

37 54

Good evening. I think i seen to much sexy ladies. Been busy 10 hrs got only 5 done but 2 i want to change already. But 3 new Solos Playmates are minted!!! lol. Tmrw 3 again.

2 10

Good evening. 2 Solos Playmates left for sale. In a hour or 2 i will mint 5 more. They are for sale for 14 XRP. 133 are minted from the 150. 131 Sold. 🔥🙏🚀

2 5

Lol 4 Solos Playmates sold already!!!. Only 3 left for sale.
Tmrw i will mint around 7 a 10. Getting close to the 150. having lots fun creating them. Also bec the big support of course. 🙏 https://t.co/DGrybRGit5

1 10

7 new Solos Playmates minted. 133 from the 150 are minted now. You can buy them on Sologenic for 14 XRP.

2 4

Good evening. 6 Solos Playmates have been sold. ✌️🙏🔥🚀. 126 Sold in total almost 1000 $ volume. Thank you so much for the support all. ♥

1 11

Good morning. 6 Solos Playmates have been sold .
6 Are still for sale. I will add some new ones today again.
And thank you very much for your support. 🔥🚀https://t.co/FFOPkg6gGU

0 5

Nr 123 - 126 in the Solos Playmates Collection are minted. 12 Playmates left for sale for 14 XRP. 🔥🚀

1 9

Hello. 3 more Solos Playmates are sold. Tyvm also for your support. 🙏🚀🙏 4 new Playmates minted. 122 from 150 minted now. 114 are sold in total!!! 🔥🙏

3 7

3 Solos Playmates sold. Thank you for your support.
Trevina Dara and Zobiya found a new owner. 7 Playmates waiting for a new owner for 14 XRP!!!

1 4

Hola. I MINTED 9 new Solos Playmates You can buy them on Sologenic NFT for 14 XRP. Collection is Rank 4 in staff picks. Around 65% is sold already 🚀🙏🔥

5 16

Good morning. 1 Solos Playmate is still for sale. 109 from the 150 are minted. TY Ai3dMotion for your support. This beauty is for sale for 14 XRP.

0 8

5 Solos Playmates sold again. Amen 🙏🔥 These 2 ladies can be for you for 14 XRP on Sologenic 🚀

1 1

$flare $XRP
Hallo. 6 New Solos Playmates just added to collection. No more today i go sleep now :) Good night all. And ty again for your support NFTHotspot https://t.co/FFOPkg6gGU

2 4

7 new Solos Playmates minted. 99 from the 150 are minted now. You can buy them on Sologenic NFT. I go work on nr 100. 🔥

3 13

I woke up alone again. 5 Solos Playmates left me. Mucho Gracias. 🙏🙏🙏. https://t.co/FFOPkg6gGU

1 2