1.highest unemployment in 5 decades
2. no news channel is covering students issue
3. population is increasing but jobs are declining
4. Gdp -23.9%

1319 616

No time for the poor.
Only time for marketing gimmicks.
Youth will teach a lesson to those who hurt their soul in extreme poverty.

1093 949

Government try to divert our mind on other unimportants matters but we have to stable on

473 224

We all will be part of History books as whatever is happening right now is happening for the 1st time:
Highest Unemployment in 45 yrs 😳😳
Speak up Dear..

1198 511

Powerful image of leaders is created by corporate to loot Indians .
No media to question Govt failures as Gdp shrinks to 24% & Unemployment is on its peak.

1077 480

We all will be part of History books as whatever is happening right now is happening for the 1st time:
Highest Unemployment in 45 yrs
Speak up Dear

1165 561