[#Pokemon / / Pokkén Tournament] Gijinka/humanizations of my mains when I played UNITE (Garchomp, Buzzwole) and Pokken (Decidueye)!

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Parece que al re-jugar Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny y Tekken 6 dio el mismo efecto que al re-jugar Pokken DX. Y ese efecto es el cambio repentino de mis mains.

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Wait how tf is Hawlucha not in Pokken Tournament, this feels so wrong

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-"Oh Carol...Sam...you both really asked for my full potential...nightmares will be too much to handle~"

Art trade with @/JustMehDarren after getting quite competitive playing Pokken Tournament!

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Between Sceptile and Golisopod. Just clean and badass while also being sort of minimalistic. And weirdly adorable to me in Golisopod's case. I can still see the wimpod in him.
Sceptile's depiction in pokken and both the anime helps a lot too

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Yall aint ready for Pokken 2 (titled Pokken 2nament) to be announced on the 27th

I just want a mystery dungeon game that lets me be a Litten but were probably getting an explorers remake instead

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Original artworks and pokken tournament!,!,

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My trainer avatars from Pokken to Violet, it's pretty lame we're stuck with the school uniforms as the main outfit in Scarlet and Violet

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Worlds 2023 marked the end of the official support for and what an incredible send-off it was. But the journey doesn't have to end there!
3 days to go...

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pokken players werent lying that burst gengar can good

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thought abt pokken gengar too hard so here he is using his jY (will o wisp !) ok bye

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Pokken didn’t have Bellsprout.

Game died. Coincidence? I think not.

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mwoah seg he sinds ik dood ben aan apenpokken hebben ze mij veranderd in een poker man zo

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