Finished my response to my Team's farewell message. The Team is still active, its just, I have to follow by my characters story that before NGS, they have to say their last goodbyes. ;w; Though, I do have a future story
- Blaze85

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PSO2JP: Celebrating the PSO 20th Anniversary Webevent with all new stuff!

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Old Senran Kagura Signature Banner and Senran Kagura collab with PSO2JP (phantasy star online 2) this coming november ! 😍

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[] <- full res

My last PSO2 practice round -- 's Etoile! We're deep in PSO2JP territory, and it shows - because, to be honest, this level of lighting effects could never be achieved on mere 13* weaponry.

Surpass darkness, ARKS!!!

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Happy 6th Anniversary to my PSO2JP team! Thank you for all the memories so far and here's to making new ones in PSO2 NGS!

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part 6
with anechii

with zerkii and at the bg XD

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Try to be careful feeding your MAGs! If the monetization turns out to be the same as PSO2JP then you only get one MAG for free!

It is possible to fix MAGs using Excubes, but that doesn't become a practical option until much later.

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