“In a world full of hatred, give a smile full of love. SOLACE fights for EGALITARIANISM. Let our voices be heard.”


5 14

"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself." - Harvey Fierstein”

Rise! by JxO of UP Creo

3 13

“Love and discover yourself first, and then decide what happiness you truly seek.”

Kien Amigo of Casa Del Arte

5 17

“Let's all go back to history and honor Marsha P. Johnson! Johnson was one of the prominent people behind the Stonewall Riots in 1969...” (1/2)

Peachino of UP Creo

2 22

Perspectives on body dysphoria - when one's own body doesn't feel like the right one.”

Series: Dysphoria || Digital and Traditional, 1000px x 1000px

Dana Martinez of Arkadia Collective

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