To all those getting a VR headset for the first time this Holiday season (whether that be Quest, PSVR, or PCVR), welcome to the family!

You’ve got a lot of amazing experiences to catch up on from a bunch of kickass studios.

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I just recently finished and my goodness it was such a great treat. If you have a PSVR, or plan to get one, this game is worth checking out. I loved Louis and I want to protect him.

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Isabella's still getting used to playing PSVR, and for Jeff it was a right time, right place kinda deal XD

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Today Pop-Up Pilgrims is released on PSVR, a game I did all the artwork for! Working with the lovely people at

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'CoolPaintrVR' is Like 'Tilt Brush' for PSVR, Expected Holiday Season

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'Skyrim' Coming to PSVR, Trailer Revealed at E3

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And we're live on twitch! Come talk Voice Acting, or anything you want!

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