Shannan here! My MG, ‘Younger Daze’ features two Black MCs.

Chase is the popular kid. Malik, not so much.

When their dads morph into tweens, C&M have 36 hrs to change them back.

Best part? They need the help of Desha, an eyebrow raising survivalist to succeed.

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Hi, I’m Suzy! 👋 My novel is an adult contemporary fantasy with an LGBTQ+ cast about a powerful, but awkward, arcane mage who fights dark magic in London but is murder-averse. It features:

🔥 a slow-burn romance
🦄 magical pets
❄️ a hot brooding prince

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Hey, all- I'm Malcolm, and my book The Crownknappers is a middle-grade fantasy heist a la Six of Crows!

Since I'm not participating in the showcase, I'm still working on my pitch - there's some bits of the plot that are just a little wobbly.

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Hi everyone! I’m a PhD Candidate in English at UCLA and my YA manuscript is a sapphic romance/Gothic fantasy set in 1800s China under foreign occupation. Spooky powers, soft love & sparking revolution🔮👩🏻❤️👩🏻🔥
Excited to be here!

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Hi everyone! This is Amber, hailing from sunny (and sometimes thunderstormy) Singapore. My PW book is a YA silkpunk fantasy about a girl who infiltrates the prestigious Engineers Guild in a bid to uncover the truth behind her father's murder. Plus 1 tsundere prince 👩🏻‍🔧🤴🏻#PWParty20

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We've made it to the final countdown 🎉

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