Conhecem o

Então, Geoffrey Palmer () parece amar muito ele, e Magic também, então resolveu "photoshopar" esse ursinho em artes de card.

Já são 38 situações hilárias em que ele foi inserido e pelo jeito não vai parar tão cedo!

4 85

We're feeling mischievous, so it's time for the battle of the bears! If you could choose just one, would you be or 🐻

(We know, we're evil. We're going to go and sit on the naughty step. We still want to know, though.)

Pics: EH Shepard/Peggy Fortnum

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Today is VERY special, because it's one of Paddington's two birthdays! Marmalade sandwiches all round, we think...

Are you a fan of Paddington? We'd love to hear if so! Do tell us about your favourite Paddington moment or memory ❤️

Pic: Peggy Fortnum

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