画質 高画質

Painting for college. 'Paint a masters in the style of a modern painter' no idea which modern style itsmeant to be.

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*戦国BASARA 慶三*過去絵

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Guild Wars 2 Korean Painter's Beautiful Character Illustrations.
More pic:http://t.co/n5n4v0hmHq

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Guild Wars 2 Korean Painter Works.
More pic:http://t.co/6sPupOLjrX

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Happy are the painters, they shall not be lonely. Light and color, peace and hope, will keep them company Churchill

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this is a WIP with Painter 12 and the size of file in centimeters (aprox. 40x58 in)

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new portrait of her madge getting the thumbs down. "hang the painter not the painting"?

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CLIP PAINTマジ使える、PhotoShopより塗りやすい。いやそこは当たり前なんだけどw 文字変形できないの不満はあるけど、MacでPhotoShpとpainter以外の選択肢ができたのは喜ばしいかぎり。

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[Fanart] Painter Taeng
Cr. Jellywing

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[FANART] PainterTaeng Fanart by Jellywing

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used pen tablet+corel painter+photoshop (coloring)..finally finished it! hope you like it!(^^)

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sending it again, just in case. Hope it's ok.(pen tablet+CorelPainter+Photoshop for coloring)

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[SNSD FANART] painter taeng ~^^

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