As a Soraka main I cannot forget about her as well, though she already has a pajama skin, I haven't draw her for a while and she missed me..
Lets give her some love 💚

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Neeko doesn't have a pajama skin yet BUT that doens't mean I can't draw her one 😍

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Something I made a few days ago! To be made as pillow covers! I ordered samples first and if it turns out nice I'll try to make this available in my shop! ✨I'll give more updates once they arrive ♥

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it's party time
So cute > <


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I had to repost this cause the darker background color actually looks nice too. Pajama Guardian Lulu, free to use as phone wallpaper~ ✨💫

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<3 i love her she is so cuteee ahh

this is your fault you got me hyped

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