Results of today’s A Proapteryx mother and easily distracted chick, a Jehelopterus embracing its inner Batman, a Styxosaurus suffering a bad jaw injury, and an Embolotherium about to sneeze.

4 13

Came back from Bamberg today, so just two sketches during this
Walliserops fighting, with a cephalopod in the background.
Second image is my take on a centaur. Yes, it's baboons, and a monogamous pair as well.

63 457

Results from this Flocking together
Bistahieversor, Cryptogyps, Teratornis and Pascualgnathus.

86 547

1 year ago we established the series and hashtag as a regular thing on
So far 25 images came together for this project.

64 405

Results from the
Gay Atrociraptor raising young, Femboy Barbaridactylus, Gaylordia and Kallokibotion.

302 1424

The last 5 pieces of the second "favorite dinosaur poster" were done on todays You see here Sinosauropteryx, Utahraptor, Anodontosaurus, Silesaurus and Aquilops.

46 345

This is like.... uuuhhhhh... the 4th thalassocnus you've drawn in paleostream...

9 63

Results from a special, accidental, cetacean
Cetotherium, Platalearostrum, Ankylorhiza (going after some rafting monkeys) and Globicetus.

153 757

i mde a littol cetotherium during thats about it... i cant draw whales

7 73

Sketches of Sinornithosaurus, Edaphosaurus, Pachycostasaurus and Tenontosaurus from last night's Flocking Together on

13 78

day 2! Today I present you an Ochetoceras riding a jellyfish (a behaviour seen in modern day argonauts), concept developed last night during the

46 160

Results from the
Anteosaurus (for ), Arctodus (for Levi), Homalocephalus and a Mari Lwyd (for )

68 304

Good old 20 minute Friday sketches for Everyone's stuff was so amazing today!

Lemmysuchus, Palaeoisopus, Edestus and Titanoceratops.

33 131

Paleosketches from Portrait edition ;)

1 16

Another massive thanks goes out to and the rest of the people on the paleostream. You guys are the only reason I’m still doing paleoart and you and your discord have really brought hapiness to me and many others

Here are my first 2 paleostream sketches. 4/?

5 36

Results from the All these are sketches for people who posted their Graphic Novel copy on social media =)
Ikrandraco (for ),
Tethyshadros (for ),
Hatezgopteryx (for )
and Eustreptodpondylus (for ).

54 321

Results from the The first two are for and for posting about their graphic novel copies!
Dusa, Hyphanthoceras, Elephantoceras and Protoceras

72 423

Results from the "drawing community members in spooky ways"
You guys know who you are ;)

8 88

Results from the Flocking together
Yi qi, Mononykus, Majungasaurus and Desmatosuchus.

35 233