I actually got no work done after stream yesterday. I ended up drinking with my roommate and then falling asleep... I need to make up for lost time today!
Palkyries, lend me your strength!

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This week has been a bit rough for me mentally. It's been a battle of wanting to do everything but nothing at all at the same time. I think today's morning run was a step in the right direction. One step at a time!
Good night, Palkyries.

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I unfortunately did not get much rest today, and it's not looking like tomorrow will be any different, but I will finally be able to share a couple things I've been working on. If you're a member, keep your eyes peeled for the community tab.

Good night, Palkyries.

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Stayed up too late drawing this. Maybe one day I'll have time to actually finish it...
Hope you're looking forward to tomorrow's collab, Pawtners and Palkyries.

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I was very exhausted today. Despite that, I still did some home exercise and took a walk around my block. Here's to hoping I'll sleep more than 5 hours tonight.

Stay cozy and good night, Palkyries.

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Had anxiety dreams again last night. Here's a reminder for all you Palkyries.

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I have been wanting to do more art recently, so I thought I would do some fan art of our favorite Valkyrie Vtuber, Liora Walkyria!

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