On this day (21 April, 1526), Babur defeated the Lohdi's at the battle of Panipat, establishing the Timurid presence in Northern India.

In my view, Babur never established a new dynasty, but rather, revitalised the Timurids after they were ousted from Transoxiana.

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As the Afghan war-elephants approached the Mughal front-lines Babur’s musketmen opened fire into their formations. While artillery did not play as significant a role at Panipat as was previously believed, muskets caused the panic-stricken pachyderms to turn on their own troops.

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Cuteness Overloaded 😍😄😄
I'm imagining myself replacing this fan😆
Maybe I had the same reaction when I will meet you first time Baba 😃😃.....
During the film promotion in delhi today🗡👑⚔.......

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