This official art from the end credits of Panzer Dragoon II Zwei features Shelcoof after it crashed.

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Two years ago, Michael Gadsby () created this incredible fan art of the Episode 4 boss in Panzer Dragoon II Zwei.

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These are some of the enemies encountered in Episode 4 of Panzer Dragoon II Zwei. Episode 4 takes place in some watery Ancient ruins.

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Not only does this Panzer Dragoon II Zwei soundtrack have the music from the game, but the last track contains the game's sound effects. Do you have this CD?

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The Panzer Dragoon Zwei Alternative Elements CD contains remixed versions of songs from the game. Do you have this CD?

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Lagi and Lundi battle the Guardian Dragon in this beautiful watercolor painting. This was contributed to us two years ago by .

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Nooth is the boss of Episode 5 in Panzer Dragoon II Zwei. It is a pure-type creature deployed by Shelcoof in an attempt to stop Lundi and Lagi.

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This cute vaporwave-style fan art depicts Lagi as a pup with Shelcoof in the sky behind him. Art created by .

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This fan art by depicts Lagi, Lundi, and Shelcoof over the ruins of Elpis. What was your favorite moment from Panzer Dragoon II Zwei?

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Look at this awesome fan art of Lagi in his Windrider form! Thanks to for contributing this to us.

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Here's a nice fan art of Nooth! This is the Episode 5 boss of Panzer Dragoon II Zwei. Thanks to He Who Is The Sky ( for contributing.

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In this fan art, we see Nooth, the boss of Episode 5 of Panzer Dragoon Zwei. The background in the circle is of the Forbidden Sea. Art created by .

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Here's a close-up view of the Guardian Dragon's head. Have you ever seen this boss' final form?

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The Windrider form is one of Lagi's forms from Panzer Dragoon II Zwei. Which dragon forms from this game are your favorites? Thanks to Digital Dragoon ( for contributing.

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Lagi flies high in the sky! These images were created by holding the Skydart figure in front of a computer monitor displaying an image of the sky. Thanks to for contributing.

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This art from Panzer Dragoon II Zwei's end credits depicts an Imperial soldier and some ships.

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Here's three of Lagi's forms from Panzer Dragoon II Zwei. This image comes from the front cover of Die Welt von Panzer Dragoon Zwei.

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This art from Panzer Dragoon II Zwei's end credits depicts Lagi's Skydart form. The Skydart later evolves into the Blue Dragon form.

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In this fan art, we see Lagi's Skydart form flying in the sky. Thanks to for contributing this to us.

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This art from Panzer Dragoon II Zwei's end credits depicts Lundi and Lagi flying above Shelcoof.

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