We are 3 hours away from the Happy Hour!

Today is the time to reveal the Old Dominion is here and we will livestream it for the first time on Twitch!

Thursday, March 3rd!
4pm EST, 11pm GMT+2

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The Wave 3 Army Support Packs are here!

These sets include each faction's Command Cards, Secret Objectives, as well as, individually illustrated, Spell Cards!

Available now:

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The Mounted Squires

Trained in the arts of combat almost from childhood, squires are a potent force on the field even if they lack the panoply of a full knight.

Available for pre-order: https://t.co/cb62Hy8k18

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The Mnemancer Apprentice.

Such is the prestige and Aghm of the position of Hold Raegh, that even the eldest of Mnemancers begrudgingly concede that his deeds must be recorded.

Available for pre-order: https://t.co/s0S9IWS4Rq

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The Neophyte.

Modest, humble and absolutely terrified a Neophyte really has no place on the battlefield... but devout warriors of the Hundred Kingdoms are often accompanied by one nonetheless.

Available for pre-order: https://t.co/BnDuq95qRt

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Last chance to get your favorite Conquest items before the holidays!

Only during the weekend there is 10% discount on all our products to help you complete your holiday lists and have everything delivered in time!


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The Centaur Avatara

A massive humanoid torso crowns the baroque, armored equine monstrosity of the Centaur Avatara, bristling with arms each carrying a deadly blade.

Available for pre-order now: https://t.co/Om5cu1KN5c

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Conquest will have a presence at Crucible 9 in Orlando!

Our Vanguards will run demos and a 2k Singles Tournament!

For more information visit our official event calendar:

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If you've been victimized by the steel legion you may be entitled to compensation

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Dweghom Founder’s Exclusive: The Mountain Stands!

The Mountain
Stands - depicts a Hold Raegh Warlord leading his Combat Retinue vested in the full
panoply and glory of his hold.

Available soon on our e-shop!

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Pheromancers have a lot on their plate!

We are currently at Gencon, booth number 2920! Drop by for a visit!

Comic by the talented

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Conquest Legends, our small campaign rules are now free to download on our website!: https://t.co/pMqJyjzFxr

A lot of thanks to this wonderful Conquest Community for helping us find any inconsistencies and nuances that needed to be updated!

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Are you having trouble with pesky ranged units? Worry not!

With the Lethal Demise Special Rule, the Stryx will inflict a hit for any wound they take!


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Congratulations to Michael Shea for winning the caption contest!

Contact us to get your free Mountain Jotnar!

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The Null Mage.

Given his access to all of the elements it is almost trivially easy for a Null Mage to dispel the efforts of even the most powerful mage, allowing the Hunter Cadre to finish the job safely and efficiently.


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Happy National Joke Day!

Caption this picture and the best entries will win a prize!

3 23

The Ice Jotnar.

Few and far in between, Ice Jotnar are the nobility of their kind and
the most powerful of the jotuns.

Sculpted by

Grab yours here: https://t.co/3XbJyjmFmm

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The Stryx.

A Spire Stryx would be incapable of posing a significant threat on the battlefield were it not for the cruel disregard their masters have for their lives…

Thanks to our friends at for the mat!

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The Skald.

A command upgrade for the Huscarls and Steel Chosen, making them even more fearless in battle by boosting them with +1 Resolve!

You can now see the Skald in all his glory via 360° video:


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