Paleo Fact!

Dzungariotherium (Dzungaria Beast) is a paracerathere from Oligocene China! It's one of the largest known land mammals to date! Compared to fellow large paracerathere, Paraceratherium, its teeth and head were actually proportionally larger, - (1/2)

Art by Yu Chen!

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I love these 4: orthoceras, spinosaurus, paraceratherium, and inostrancevia.

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Which are still nothing compared to the largest land mammal ever discovered: Paraceratherium, a gigantic, hornless rhinoceros-like beast

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O maior mamífero terrestre que já existiu, o Paraceratherium, é um gênero da família dos rinocerontes, esses monstros tinham a altura de girafa e o peso de 4 elefantes e viveram na Ásia e leste da Europa, 26 milhões de anos atrás (+)

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This leads me to wonder if some giant prehistoric mammals could/did do this too. Especially ones without any obvious weapons. Imagine a Macrauchenia, Toxodon, or a Paraceratherium doing this (art by Mark Witton).

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Paraceratherium one of the top oligocene mammals.

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A very original commission I was requested to do. A Paraceratherium runs into the Attack Titan, Female Titan and Armored Titan from

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Croctober is over but that's not stopping me, today with Astorgosuchus, a potentially giant, basal crocodyloid from Oligocene Pakistan that may have fed on Paraceratherium (art by who is among the few to have illustrated it)

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Paraceratherium was one the largest terrestrial mammals known to ever exist, and therefore, it received a gargantuan update, as well as a new skin!

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Probably the largest terrestrial mammal with 7 meters in lenght, its a hornless relative of the rhinoceros, and like them it was herbivorous

ALT: named after the indrik beast, a mythical creature that was the king of all animals, the genus is now a synonym

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the real answer is these guys if anyone was wondering, they’re called Paraceratheriums and they’re awesome!

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The Paraceratherium is probably the largest terrestrial mammals that has ever existed: it lived 23 million years ago a and its weight is estimated to have been 15 to 20 tonnes; the shoulder height was about 4.8m and the maximum length about 7.4m

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นักบรรพชีวินได้วิเคราะห์ฟอสซิลที่พบใน Linxia Basin มณฑลกานซู่ของจีน เมื่อปี 2015 ระบุได้ว่าเป็น Paraceratherium linxiaense สิ่งมีชีวิตดึกดำบรรพ์ในตระกูลแรดยักษ์ไร้นอที่มีชีวิตอยู่ในทวีปเอเชียเมื่อประมาณ 26.5 ล้านปีที่แล้ว คาดหนักถึง 11-20 ตัน สูง 16 ฟุต

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Esta nueva especie de rinoceronte, Paraceratherium linxiaense, es uno de los mayores mamíferos terrestres que ha habitado el planeta. Habitó en el Tíbet hace 26,5 m.a. pero en un rango altitudinal relativamente bajo.

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