Hoy hace 25 años debutaba una joya de Squaresoft para la primera Por desgracia no tiene pinta de que se animen a recuperarla con remake o una nueva entrega, pero por pedir que no quede...

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Compie oggi 24 anni RPG di stampo survival horror pubblicato da Square nel 1998, in Giappone e Nord America. La prima avventura di Aya Brea è uno di quei titoli che purtroppo ad oggi non sono stati riproposti né sotto forma di remaster né tantomeno di remake.

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Well guys
Here's just to say this, since Squareenix isn't going to do a remake of ParasiteEve, I'm going to make a webtoon of it! Woohoo!
So, it won't be out soon, I just started doing it , and besides that I have to work.
If you want to know more just follow me here

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The Season 2 speaker has worked as a and an for legendary titles such as IX, 1, 2,3! Did you grow up playing any of them?😊


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