Marie Louise, daughter of the emperor of Austria, wife of Napoleon, empress of the French, and, from 1816, Duchess of Parma, was born 1791.
She had a strong passion for botany but above all a boundless love for the violets of Parma.⬇️

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Portrait of a gentlewoman, 1520, by Antonio da Correggio of Parma. Today is his day.

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Marie Louise I, Duchess of Parma. She was also Empress consort of the French and Queen of Italy as the second wife of Napoleon

Portrait by Giovanni Battista Borghesi, 1839

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In Rome he competed with Domenichino for commissions. Those who liked a theatrical approach preferred the man from Parma. Elijah (1621-4), Venus (c1630-4) & Angelica & Medora (nd)

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Estas excavaciones llevaron al descubrimiento, bajo la supervisión de Francesco Bianchini, de tres salas pertenecientes a la Domus Flavia: el Lararium, el Aula Regia y la Basílica, además de dos estatuas colosales de Hércules y Baco, hoy en el Museo della Pilotta de Parma.

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Portrait of a gentlewoman, 1520, by Antonio da Correggio of Parma. Today is his day.

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more Parma. Eyes are sacred to a paperfaerie... they take the concept of 'windows to the soul' rather more literally than most.

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Nel 1840, c'erano piante rare, come una notevole Dombeya Ameliae (Redouté), ma anche oleandri e un piccolo roseto nella del Ducale, a
La Reale aranciera, 1857, G. Carmignani

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In the 1840s, there were rare plants, such as a remarkable Dombeya Ameliae (Redouté), but also oleanders and a small rose garden in the at the Ducale,

La Reale aranciera, 1857, G. Carmignani
The Royal Orangery

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Marie Louise, daughter of the emperor of Austria, wife of Napoleon, empress of the French, and, from 1816, Duchess of Parma, was born 1791.
She had a strong passion for botany but above all a boundless love for the violets of Parma.

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Portrait of a gentlewoman, 1520, by Antonio da Correggio of Parma. Today is his day.

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La dolcissima Madonna della Scala di Correggio..Il dipinto si trovava sulla porta Nord delle mura urbane di Amata da sempre dal popolo per la straordinaria dolcezza delle figure. Anche Vasari ricorda come l’opera fosse ammirata con “lode e onore infinito”.

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drawing of parma.ham on insta 🖤🖤🖤

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Oggi Parma festeggia il patrono, Sant’Ilario di Poitiers.
La sua figura è stata celebrata nelle opere di numerosi artisti attivi in città. Anche il ne celebrò l’immagine in un pennacchio della cupola del Duomo di Parma.

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Portrait of a gentlewoman, 1520, by Antonio da Correggio of Parma. Today is his day.

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Ultimamente stiamo twittando riguardo a Dopo i nostri clienti che hanno visitato i luoghi legati a a e dintorni è tempo di un bel tour sulle strade del e del

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''The Assumption of the Virgin'' by Correggio (1526-1530), at the Cathedral of Parma.

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This painting entered the collection in 1932. An inscription on the back of the painting allows us to identify the subject as Maria Adelaide, daughter of Louis XV and sister of Luisa Elisabetta, Duchess of Parma.
Jean-Étienne Liotard 1753

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