POKEPASTA FUSION!! Strangled Red X Creepy Black!! (guys im freaking out im like a real pixel artist or smth now this is so cool)

31 109

This is just a practice, I haven't drawn for a long time so I wanted to try the glitch effect again.

9 54

omfgf its stragneld binejh follow for more

15 142

Lets go 2nd attempt

Lazy to do it on a different page lets go

Probably gonna do one properly for the third time lets go

Tags lets go

17 64

해시 써보려고 얼른 그려옴

74 286

this was the first creepypasta that made me not sleep

76 367

wanted to draw it so i quickly did it

Red looks so cool tho in this mod ngl hope it comes out well


36 139