Pastel Fen up for Auction!
Bid ends in 48 hours!
SB: $50
AB: $150
Comment below to bid!
Have fun!!
(this is the first time I've done this)

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new adopt
no minimum offer for points alone, though I'll likely only accept 50+ points
AB is $21/2100 points, includes bust

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I finished them! Sorry it took so long. This fluffy furry is going up for 15 USD and will come with a chibi full body with purchase! If interested dm me or comment below! Retweets are appreciated!

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aaaah a pastel pupper adopt batch! i realy wanted to make some adopts with natural nude colors combined with some pastel colors. they are 20 euros each!

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Pastel dream adopt! ✨💕 Base by Candymaws 💗
Edit’s by me ~
I was really tempted to keep this one but i need money. 😭💔💔

Offer to adopt, you can offer:
- customs
- art
- money (payment whit paypal) min offer 7$

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