Decided to make a sort of uberhero oc, idk but he has no name yet

5 11

I randomly tought of switching pizzahead and covet hiss from patapon 3 and this is what i ended up with, IM SO SORRY HFGHFHGJDGF

11 24

doodles 🧵 because im obsessed again, i love this lil dumbs

8 15

Alright , here's your Spiderton for your birthday yesterday, kinda wanted to draw more with him (it was a bit fun), but I lost power to my computer while drawing this which briefly killed my motivation, but I did finish it!

5 15

I'd say this one got the most attention out of all my patapon related works. honestly, I'm really happy that people liked my characters so much 😭

2 25

Me and my friends' uberheroes!!!

15 27

(Gives out these)

- I had art thieves steal my art before, don’t steal one’s work without one’s permission or I’ll do a Yarigami Sutra juju at ya

- otherwise known for making Wubbox art (not doing it anymore due to art thrives) Celestials and Patapon

2 24

please for the love of god believe me when i say hes not my favorite character

13 26

Pata Pata Pata -
I need to actually do another Patapon drawing. Or at least, one of the Uberheroes from Patapon 3 (which I've never played, because they didn't remaster it for the PS4 and uhh... Yarr harr and whatnot.)

3 20

Who got close to the bonfire without permission?

10 38

This took me nearly a month, but I managed to finish it! :DD
A Valentine Artwork with my Main OCs from the AUs I was working on!

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