Still waiting on some code from my team-mate before we can finish Path of Dreamers, so figured I could redo one of the CGs :D! I've literally been hating the old one for a whole year now so I'll allow myself to indulge 😅

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I made these a loooong time ago, but these were the original design-sketches for 3 of the 4 characters in the VN 🙂. From left to right, Keir (MC), Casimir, Cecilia.

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After drawing a few dozen necks I decided to finish the sparkling bishies~ FAR from perfect ahaha sob orz, but I need to move on so I can finish this project and get more practice in. It'll have to do :)

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It sure is cold-season isn't it? *blows nose* I finally got a chance to work on this CG some more so I can finish it next time :3

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This is the most purple-ish mockup I've ever made lol. It was time for a textbox and namebox sketch!

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Working on this CG! And yes, the windows will look drunk until I finish it 🍷🍾#visualnovel

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I'm pleased the sprites now live in the same colour toned universe as the backgrounds. You are my hero, Photoshop adjustment layer.

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Finished the last two backgrounds today :D! Getting up at 6:00AM helps with daily dev-time 🤣#PathOfDreamers

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