Case series on Ultrasound Guided ESP Block Effective for Pancreatitis Pain. Acute on chronic pancreatitis often needs rapid escalation of opioid dosing; this block can help slow this & provide immediate relief, great to have a new option!

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Chronic pain is directly linked to adverse childhood events. We know that poverty, poor mental health & trauma predisposes children & teens to higher risk of developing chronic issues like pain.

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Our pediatric chronic pain program at has started a journal club! Today we review sleep disturbances & evidence based interventions, led by our pain medicine resident . Looking forward to learning some new tips!

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Overview of Occipital Neuralgia and Greater Occipital Nerve Blocks for the treatment of chronic pain via . Review of landmark & based techniques

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I have reached a milestone, 1500 followers! Thanks for helping me be part of the community representing pediatric anesthesia & pediatric chronic pain!

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