Commission piece of 's OC the grizzled old merc, Shepard.

1 11

We live on in memories...

4 43

There's no other 9 ft tall cat creature I'd rather call my friend, but only by a small margin. Happy B Day

7 75

Is the week getting you down?Just remember, sometimes Sith Happens, but only 2 more days until

7 49

Anime pirate kings are not canon in Star Wars afaik, but they are on .

7 29

Next episode of is drawing closer. Will Kylara charm the tropical shirt off the imperial agent?

0 8

Why isn't it Friday yet? should consider cloning so they can show more than once a week.

3 18

Is this the droid we should be looking for? Anticipation is high for and with good cause!

4 33

Troublemaker or troubleshooter? Whichever, I wouldn't tell Huuurgh any fur ball jokes!

2 25