"You'll float down here. We all float down here."
Watercolour sketch painting for one of my Patreon supporters.

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Ms. Vermilia now a nendoroid too! Pennywise was a perfect base to practice joint nendoroid anatomy. Spoopy lady

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tumblr went nuts over pennywise so i can see the same happen to trudy (klass keter) https://t.co/7KGVAqRu0U

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CARTOON BEATBOX BATTLES! Pennywise & Mrs.Puff VS The Tooth fairy & Smithers BEGIN!

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*rubs my hands evily* self indulgent doodles

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EPIC RAP BATTLES OF HISTORY! Clementine VS Simp VS Dante from the devil may cry series VS Pennywise BEGIN!

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Very different artstyle but I wanted to draw pennywise for some reason

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