For this here is from

I didn't know I needed a long haired Makoto/Minato in my life! P5 is supposed to be cannonically in 2016 so that's how I calculated the ages.

I'll be taking a short break from this series to focus on FF for

20 63

im very behind on my commissions but i managed to finish my drawing of from thank u for commissioning me!

125 441

Finished drawing of from A huge thanks to everyone who joined the stream, its the best one I've ever had, it was so much fun. I hope you all had an amazing Christmas!

70 265

Emo Yukari from

The design was made by my new best friend, (with slight alterations from me)! Check out her profile, she makes some really cool drawings!

116 480


Probably the darkest in the Persona series, starting to play 3 for the very first time, but best of all its the UNDUB version! Watch me go through this version of the game live right now!

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