And here's one for Penelope, or "Petunia" as her friends call her!

Some of these inspirations are more for styling rather than personality, see if you can pick which ones are which!

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Late night feelings im dealing with turned into something im pretty happy with.

"The Petunia flower has a very strong meaning behind it, and that is anger. This symbolical meaning came from various cultures that constructed this symbolism and passed it on until today."

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my first full-fledged attempt in a comic:")

p. 1
-"Happy birthday, Handy! In honor of this, I made you cookies."
-"Oh, thanks, Petunia"

p. 2
-"Don't ever dare, shit"

4 21

Stunning "Posh by Caroline Ashwood . You can get it with 12% off by using the code spooky12 at the checkout. Tempted? 🎨

1 4