Tablet versus phone
I did the tablet versus phone and omg i fucked the phone version so badly I USED TO DRAW ON A PHONE HOW DID I FUCK IT SO BAD OMG ASKJFDNASJKDN

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I haven't shared this here yet! Have you tried doing an like this? I'm think of doing another one 😆

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(left is phone & right is tablet)

was one of my favorite characters as a preteen and I’ve drawn her a hundred times. I drew this by memory so some things might be off but I enjoyed the whole process.

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I wish I drew something else for this challenge. Not a fan of either picture.

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Here’s my take on the challenge! ✨
Here we have a piece drawn in using only my smartphone and my finger- and the same piece on a more comfortable setup for me, in with my surface pro and Microsoft pen.

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