Selfportraitsz via Photolab via Wednesday...

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Jouluisia kuvia ja tunnelmia, Wednesdayn ja vampyyrien tyyliin

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PosterMyWall isn't working properly tonight, so I can't continue comic at the moment. Made something with PhotoLab instead. This is one of my fave photos of Toshi.

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あくまで感覚的な話ですが、DxO Photolab 5でRF14-35mm F4 L IS USMを使う際は、軽くレンズシャープネスを盛っておくのが描写的にいいかも?

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Fun app by Let me see yours.

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The animated inspiration for my last trippy artwork.

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More fun w/ cartoon style filters (These aren’t my drawings) of , & all of whom made so worthy of binge-watching!

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IG only allows for 10 pictures so I had to post the fun pictures of & in a 2nd post I just followed suit on Twitter so I wouldn’t lose track! The extras who appeared in are special, too! Again, these are just edits & not my artwork.

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