See the winning images from the 2021 Nikon Small World Photomicrography Competition.

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A Spectacularly Colorful Shot of an Oak Leaf Tops Nikon’s 2021 Photomicrography Competition

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Snowflakes to slime mould: The competition began in 1975 as a means to recognise and applaud the efforts of those involved with through the light

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Congratulations to the winners of the 47th Photomicrography Competition, which recognizes excellence in photography through the light microscope!

Jason Kirk took home 1st place for this striking image of a southern live oak leaf’s trichomes, stomata & vessels.

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📢Call for Microscopy Images + Videos! 🔬—"The Nikon Small World Competition is open to to anyone with an interest in and photography through the microscope." —Submit your work by 4/30.

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A selection of the winning images from 46th annual competition. The competition recognises excellence in the world of image-making

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1st Daniel Castranova, Dr Brant Weinstein & Bakary Samasa: Juvenile zebrafish

2nd Daniel Knop: Embryonic development of a clownfish on days 1, 3, 5 and 9

3rd Dr Igor Siwanowicz: The tongue of a freshwater snail

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chocolate looks as blissful as it tastes? 🤩🔬
Lee Hendrickson's of crystals include intricate structures from wine, chocolate, caffeine, citric acid, to acetaminophen that transform into vivid colors and mesmerizing patterns.

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At the Photomicrography Contest, our new micro-CT category was full of popular submissions, including these 3D scans of leather star (Dermasterias imbricata) and slime star (Pteraster tesselatus) endoskeletons by and !

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Amazing photomicrography winners from the 2016 competition

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